Leaving Monday, March 31st
Caught In The Crossfire
Two detectives investigating a police officer's murder fall into a web of dirty cops, untrustworthy confidential informants, and gangland connections....
Starring Curtis "50 Cent" Jackson, Brian A. Miller, Chris Klein
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Leaving Monday, March 31st
Caught In The Crossfire
Two detectives investigating a police officer's murder fall into a web of dirty cops, untrustworthy confidential informants, and gangland connections....
Starring Curtis "50 Cent" Jackson, Brian A. Miller, Chris Klein
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- Limited time special offer
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Curtis "50 Cent" JacksonBrian A. MillerChris KleinRichard T. JonesAdam RodriguezChristine LakinLyle KanouseTim FieldsRoy OraschinAlyssa Julya SmithSydney HallMichael MatthiasR.D. Miller Jr.Kurt RaceJason Ambrose
Curtis "50 Cent" Jackson, Brian A. Miller, Chris Klein, Richard T. Jones, Adam Rodriguez, Christine Lakin, Lyle Kanouse, Tim Fields, Roy Oraschin, Alyssa Julya Smith, Sydney Hall, Michael Matthias, R.D. Miller Jr., Kurt Race, Jason Ambrose© 2010 CAUGHT IN THE CROSSFIRE, LLC
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